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IN-PART | Blog - Top 10 Innovations: 2017 - Technology Advances

Top 10 Innovations: 2017

Scroll through the 10 most viewed innovations on IN-PART in 2017; an indication of interest from the R&D community in technology being developed in universities around the world.

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Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 11. Multinanoemulsions for Templating Complex Nanoparticles

University of California, Santa Barbara: A process of creating multinanoemulsions with high encapsulation efficiency and droplet stability using sequential high-energy emulsification.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 122. Composite Toughening with an Ultra-thin Kevlar® Layer

University of Western Australia: An ultra-thin layer of aramid fibres that can be sandwiched between layers of composite materials to improve adhesion.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 133. MEMS for Harvesting Vibrational Energy

SATT Ile-de-France Innov: Microsystem for harvesting vibration energy at human frequencies.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 144. Fabrication of Porous PLLA Nanofibres

University of Manchester: A technique for fabricating poly L-lactic acid (PLLA) into fibres or films with high tensile strength and high melting temperatures.

Unfortunately, this technology is no longer available for collaboration, but there is a similar innovation on IN-PART from researchers at The Ohio State University: Fabrication of Nanopapers and Nanoparticle Reinforced Polymeric Composites Using Vacuum-Assisted Layer-by-Layer Spraying Technique.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 155. A Surgical Navigation System for Breast Cancer Surgery

Queen’s University: A surgical navigation system enables the surgeon to follow (in real-time) a pre-operatively defined ‘excision path’ for removing the tumour, thereby improving spatial awareness of the tumour relative to electrocautery instrument.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 166. High-Performance Nanofilms

Australian National University: A flexible, multilayered nanofilm that enables coatings to be manufactured independently of the substrate.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 177. Structurally-Coloured Microparticles

University of Cambridge: A process for producing nanocrystalline cellulose microparticles with structural colouration for a new generation of pigment-free, biodegradable, natural coloured products.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 188. An Ion-Exchange Catalyst for Contaminant Wastewater Remediation

De Montfort University Leicester: A catalyst for water remediation that works in the presence of an oxidant such as hydrogen peroxide, peroxy acids, hypochlorous acid or it’s salts.

Full article.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 199. Novel Microfluidic Devices for Supporting Clinical Decision

University of Tasmania: A novel microfluidic device for point-of-care analysis of low-molecular compounds in complex sample matrices at very low concentrations.

Unfortunately, this technology is no longer available for collaboration, but there is a similar innovation on IN-PART from researchers at Northeastern University: A Microfluidic Platform for Drug Modelling & Analysis of Tumour Microenvironments.

Top 10 Innovations 2017 IN-PART 11010. Electrospun Yarns: A Method for the Production of Continuous Nanofibrous Filaments

Oxford University Innovation: A technique for reliably manufacturing continuous nanofibrous filaments for medical healing textiles such as sutures and tissue-engineered scaffolds, as well as non-medical applications.

Full article.


Copyrights reserved unless otherwise agreed – IN-PART Publishing Ltd. 2017

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Image attribution (in order of appearance):

The3cats / Pixabay (CC0)
Ben Mills and Jynto / Wikimedia (CC0)
Matt Cornock / Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Liberata Guadagno et al / Wikimedia (CC BY 3.0)
Sasint / Pixabay (CC0)
Broken Igalory / Wikimedia (CC BY 3.0)
The LEAF Project / Flickr (CC0)
Nigel Wylie / Wikimedia (CC0)
Gr8effect / Pixabay (CC0)
CSIRO / Wikimedia (CC BY 3.0)

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